Join The Los Angeles Landfill Mass Tort Action
Have you or a loved one been affected by the uncontrollable chemical reactions caused by Los Angeles County’s two largest landfills? The Chiquita Canyon Landfill and Sunshine Canyon Landfill have polluted water ways, created unbearable odors and many other environmental issues that harm their neighbors and surrounding communities.
The landfills have been negligent and they need to be held accountable! The winds from the Newhall mountain pass are dispersing the odors onto Porter Ranch, Northridge, Newhall, Granada Hills, Sylmar, Valencia, Val Verde, Santa Clarita, Castaic, Saugus and surrounding areas. Schools are reporting closures, residents are reporting ailments and there doesn’t seem to be a solution coming anytime soon.
Join our Mass Tort Action Lawsuit to not only compensate those affected by this horrific situation, but to ensure responsibility is taken and this never happens again. California residents deserve better than this and the Landfills must be held responsible.
Join us today to get the compensation you deserve.